Thursday April 25, 2002
Mr. Bill Blaikie (Winnipeg--Transcona, NDP): Mr.
Speaker, two weeks ago at a Winnipeg Safeway a masked gunman attempted to rob
an armoured car in broad daylight. Though the robbery was foiled, the gunman
opened fire and the guards were forced to return fire to defend themselves.
This is but the latest in a string of similar events.
Other than under federal government firearms
legislation, there is effectively no regulation of this sector. There are no
regulations requiring businesses to use armoured cars in specified situations.
There are no minimum requirements in terms of training or safety equipment.
There is no requirement for a minimum number of guards per unit. There is no
mandated times when pickups should be made to avoid potential harm to
The increasingly dangerous working conditions faced
by armoured car guards and the threats to public safety associated with robbery
attempts should be addressed through the passage of national legislation requiring
more effective training, more guards making pickups and more careful planning
of when those pickups take place.