Shortly after Bill C-20 passed through the House of Commons, Bill Blaikie made the following statement in the House (April 7, 2000):
Mr. Bill Blaikie (Winnipeg—Transcona, NDP): [Translation] Mr. Speaker, the controversy
surrounding the bill on the clarity of the
referendum process has perhaps abated, but
Canadians opposed to Quebec's separation must not
be lulled into a false sense of security.
Bill C-20 was part of what was called Plan B, a plan
to make sure that if Quebec is determined to separate,
that it must happen constitutionally and
democratically. But no Plan B will be enough,
politically or morally.
What Canada needs is a Plan A, a plan that counters
separatism with a vision of Canada that meets the
collective aspirations of the Quebec people to have
their historic and present uniqueness recognized and
respected by the rest of Canada.
This should be the legacy that the Prime Minister